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:: sedonajeannie

Jeannie Warren

Spiritual Life Coach | Traditional Mysticism for a Modern World
928 821 1339

Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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As a Spiritual Life Coach - I am passionate about transformation

I have been studying psychology since my teens, and through Carl G. Jung was introduced to Astrology, which became my profession in 1984.  In 2008 I was among the charter members of the Burris training and certified in Subconscious Restructuring - finally, I had a tool that would provide verifiable results. 

I have personally used SR to stabilize my own metabolism/weight, increase abundance, heal past trauma, improve relationships and move forward with confidence in my life. I have a special interest in personal relationships and have had amazing results with clients who had blocks around commitment and negative patterns in relationship.  After only 1-2 sessions in SR, they are now in happily committed 10-year + relationships.

In my practice I utilize: Subconscious Restructuring, Spiritual Astrology and Spiritual Response Therapy (past life karmic clearing and re-patterning).  I am available to work with you in person or via phone / Skype. 

"Humans are the only species who have the capacity to direct and change their thoughts and beliefs - we have an obligation to ourselves and society to use this ability wisely"

To learn more about me and book your session: visit www.SedonaJeannie.com/Subconscious-restructuring

Free Emotional Checklist Evaluation: 
Relationship & Family
Hourly Rate: 
Office Hours: 
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
In-Office Burris Coaching: 
Personal Burris Coaching: 
Online Burris Coaching: 
Group Burris Coaching: 