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  • 0.029 ms Executing the rule "User Forward" on rule set "User page has been viewed"
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:: Paige

Paige Valdiserri


Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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Paige Valdiserri, ME.d, LPC, NCC, BCETS
Certified Subconscious Restructuring® Coach/Counselor
Reiki Practitioner
Energy Balancing Practitioner
Hypnosis Past Life Regression Practitioner
EMDR Practitioner
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainee (Graduating May 2011)

Ms. Valdiserri is a board-certified expert in traumatic stress, a licensed professional counselor, a nationally certified counselor, Subconscious Restructureing® Counselor/Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Energy Healer, Kundalini Practitioner and Master Coach.  In her capacity as the Director of Behavioral Health for the international occupational health firm, Comprehensive Health Services Inc., she is responsible for developing and managing the firm’s (holistic) behavioral health component for its domestic and international contracts, to also include supporting the military.  Her responsibilities include developing and implementing company policies and procedures regarding comprehensive behavioral health programs, training all staff, including management and senior executive levels, on protocols involving trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), emergency preparedness and disaster response, cultural gender issues, and organizational assessment and screening, as well as developing national Next of Kin (NOK) teams.  She also runs staff development trainings and workshops on topics such as leadership, cultural diversity and awareness, workplace violence, gender issues, and suicide awareness and prevention. This includes training employees (medical, behavioral health, support staff) before deployment to third world countries on how to give treatment and care in culturally and gender sensitive areas.

She has extensive experience working with law enforcement,  first-responder community, military including training and facilitating a Crisis Assessment and Response Team for civilian, first-responder, and behavioral health workers, along with developing the first behavioral health response for MASCAL drills while working in the Pentagon DiLorenzo Tricare Health Clinic. She developed a 24-7 employee support service for the Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) and in her role as a trauma specialist; she served as the point-of-contact for Arlington County’s Fire, Law Enforcement, Sheriff and EMS units.  She has developed numerous trainings for the first-responder community in the areas of disaster response, acute traumatic stress, PTSD, stress management, conflict resolution, anger management, substance abuse, suicide prevention, and workplace development. In addition, she has developed and facilitated multidisciplinary, CEU-generated educational trainings on emergent behavioral health needs and has implemented Family Advocacy Programs.

Ms. Valdiserri holds a secret clearance and has traveled to the Middle East and Africa to implement behavioral health programs and trainings that support both the military and those who work in theater including contractors, local national linguists, medical population, Special Forces, etc.  She recently traveled to Rwanda as a member of a government-sponsored counseling delegation designed to assist the Rwandan government and local health officials on how to improve treatment with respect to PTSD and trauma-related services and has worked with organizations concerned with women’s issues in the areas of honor killings, rape, assault, and trafficking during her travels to the Middle East and Africa.  Ms. Valdiserri has been an adjunct member of the Georgetown University Medical School faculty and has experience in the corporate sector, as well as over ten years as an educator in various educational systems.