• 0 ms "User page has been viewed" has been invoked.
  • 0.036 ms Executing the rule "User Forward" on rule set "User page has been viewed"
  • 0.07 ms Evaluation of "User page has been viewed" has been finished.

:: Ora Nadrich

Ora Nadrich


Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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Ora was an actress for ten years, working in film, episodic T.V. and commercials. While she was an actress, she began a psychological-spiritual journey to explore and discover the workings of the mind, and her research spanned over twenty years of self-discovery. Beginning with experiencing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), she went on to study many modalities and various techniques such as the Sedona Method, The Technology of Change with Robert Lorenz, and extensive Jungian Analysis. On her path she encountered Gurumayi of Siddha Yoga, Sonam Kazi, the Dalai Lama's interpreter, and His Holiness himself, The Dalai Lama. Ora also studied Buddhism and Kaballah as spiritual paths, going on to become a Certified SR Life Coach. She considers herself a natural born "Healer of the Heart" and enjoys helping others realize their happiness.

Visit her website at www.oralifecoach.com

Ora Life Coach

In-Office Burris Coaching: 