• 0 ms "User page has been viewed" has been invoked.
  • 0.033 ms Executing the rule "User Forward" on rule set "User page has been viewed"
  • 0.05 ms Evaluation of "User page has been viewed" has been finished.

:: mindylankry

mindy lankry

CSRC family counselor |

Subconscious Restructuring™ Outcomes

Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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Mindy has seven children and currently resides in NY with her husband and family. She is a teacher and therapist, public speaker and spiritual advisor.  Now a certified SR counselor, she believes everyone can benefit life altering changes of thought and personal growth through the SR method.Her specialty is enhancing relationships and creating harmony in our homes.   

Relationship & Family
In-Office Burris Coaching: 