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  • 0.022 ms Executing the rule "User Forward" on rule set "User page has been viewed"
  • 0.037 ms Evaluation of "User page has been viewed" has been finished.

:: Jennifer Atwell

Jennifer Atwell

Professional Organizer & Life Coach | Organized Simplified Living

Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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I came to Life Coaching with career experience primarily in the field of Education. I spent some time both in the classroom as a teacher but mainly as an administrator. In these roles, I observed many children with a variety of different life situations; peer pressure, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, disorganized thinking, etc. I believe that SR Counseling is the key to helping these kids and their parents overcome these obstacles. Through sessions of Individual Therapy, Social Skills Groups, Family Therapy, Organizational Training and in some cases School Consultation I feel as though I can make a definitive difference in the lives of both the children, teens and parents involved. 

In my administration work, I observed countless families and children, their interactions with each other, with their teachers or caregivers and with the world around them. I saw many happy faces, and faces that held promise for the future, and parents and teachers that were there to help them along their paths. Unfortunately, I saw many more children that wanted to be happy but were struggling in some way.  I see my current role as a SR Life Coach and Counselor as that of working with these children with many the social and emotional challenges of growing up, peer issues, organizational thinking for families, and the family unit as a whole.

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