• 0 ms "User page has been viewed" has been invoked.
  • 0.032 ms Executing the rule "User Forward" on rule set "User page has been viewed"
  • 0.049 ms Evaluation of "User page has been viewed" has been finished.

:: ElijahSacra

Elijah Sacra

Founder & Executive Director-Warrior Wellness Solutions | Owner-ElijahSacra.com

Subconscious Restructuring™ Outcomes

Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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Elijah is a United States Marine Corps Veteran and a career health and wellness practitioner who empowers his clients to achieve optimal wellness and become their own guru.  He has worked extensively with private clients, executives, families, corporations, sports teams, the military and law enforcement.  He has extensive experience working in concert with physicians, physical therapists and occupational therapists while delivering services to populations under clinical care and coaching individuals in Post Traumatic Growth.  These include patients of obesity clinics, those recovering from surgeries, individuals living with traumatic brain injuries, amputees, cancer patients, the blind, and many who suffer from chronic illness and injuries.  Elijah’s philosophy and methodology is grounded in postural alignment, breath connection, mindful functional movement, nutrient density and Emotional Wellness Coaching.  In 2009, Elijah founded Warrior Wellness Solutions, an all volunteer 501c3 nonprofit organization providing holistic and integrative health and wellness education and training to Wounded, Ill, and Injured service members, veterans and their caregivers.  Their curriculum is delivered as professional military education for hundreds annually to clients under the medical care of the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration.   He has served on an Executive Roundtable and Vision Sharing Board for Non-Profit and Community Participation in Achieving "World Class" Standards of Care and Services for Wounded Warriors at the New Joint Services Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.  He runs Full Lotus Wellness along with his fiance Clarissa in Durham, NC 

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