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:: Debbie Lundberg

Debbie Lundberg

Life & Business Coach |

Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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Before starting my own firm, Debbie Lundberg, inc., I was a Vice President of a Florida consulting firm. Earlier in my career, I served General Motors in nearly all areas, including technical training, sales, regional management and National leadership. Through the majority of that experience, I also trained/facilitated/coached for a world-renown training company, where I was proud to earn the distinction of Instructor of the Year for my area. 

The first of a three-book series, "Have a Nice Day" is Not "Thank You", and "No Problem" is Not "Your Welcome", was published in 2007, and the second book, "I Need" is Not "Please", and "Sorry" is Not "Excuse Me", was completed in early 2008, with the third compilation of tips out later in the same year. 

My goal is to assist in reversing what I light-heartedly, and also sadly, seriously, refer to as "the slobification of America" by partnering to develop, inspire, train and coach individuals, groups, teams and audiences with practical tools presented in a real, fun, and often humorous way that creates an awareness, drive and opportunity to interact in healthy, reflective, intentional ways...and therefore, achieve results and exceed expectations of self (most importantly) and others with whom we are involved personally and professionally. 

As detailed further in my printed biography, and on www.DebbieLundberg.com, my four areas of expertise include Life Coaching, Business and Professional Coaching, Company and Corporate Training/Learning, and Inspirational Speaking Engagements.

My personal brand is “committed to applied knowledge, growth, fun & ROI”. I earned my BA at the University of Michigan, and hold an MBA from Edgewood in Madison, WI. 

You're invited to receive monthly coaching tips by sending an email with the subject line PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to Debbie@DebbieLundberg.com. Also, please enjoy the following links to learn more: 

In-Office Burris Coaching: 