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:: CalgaryLifeCoach

Russ Small

Imagination Trainer & Certified SR Life Coach | Russ Small Life Coaching

Upcoming Subconscious Restructuring™ Workshops

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I am an Imagination Trainer and Certified Subconscious Restructuring Coach. I feel blessed to be a Calgary Life Coach, operating world-wide and full-time since 2007.

Do you need a Mental Makeover?

Are you frequently anxious or worried? Do you spend some of your days in absolute fear? Can you often relate to that sinking feeling in your gut, the knots in your stomach, your heart racing, blood pumping, sweat pouring and panic starting to overwhelm you? If so, you might want to check out my Mental Makeover Program.
If you don’t know how to get the results you want in life it's only natural you will be anxious, worried and fearful..only because you care deeply about getting it right!
If you really want to address the issue and make a positive change, first you need to measure what you are trying to improve. Why? Because it's what gets measured gets improved.
As your Life Coach I help measure your inputs (thoughts, feelings, beliefs) so you can improve (structure, tweak, reprogram) them to get what you really want (actions, behaviors, results). 
Together you will learn how to manage your mind so your mind doesn't run your life. Either you control your emotions or they control you. Reprogram your mind so you can break through of your self-limiting beliefs and unwanted emotional habits. 
I work with people who see no choice but to win. Typically I've found the people most committed to winning are struggling students, lonely singles, slumping sales professionals and start-up small biz owners... but maybe YOU are different? Let's talk and see if there's a fit for us to work together.
Hourly Rate: 
In-Office Burris Coaching: 
Online Burris Coaching: 
Group Burris Coaching: 